Wednesday, June 28, 2006

Yeeeepppeeee 30 Minutes of Sunlight

Okay so it was probably longer than 30 minutes of sunlight but it sure has felt like we are going to float away recently. Mili and I had a short window with no rain in order to go for a walk to the playground on campus and we went to take a look at the pool. The lifeguard was having lunch and no one was in the pool. The pool looks like it may have over flowed last night. I think they were emptying some of the water out this morning.

Mili has been quite fussy today because I am trying to change her schedule from two naps (morning and afternoon) to one nap in the middle of the day. She slept a whole 45 minutes today. I should have known what to expect. Mili does this type of thing any time I change her schedule. It will take a week or two before she will sleep for a full 2 hours. It sure makes it tough to put up with her in the afternoon until she gets on track.

I did get my bible study in today. I have found out if I put the Baby Praise (DVD) on for Mili she praises Jesus (she puts her tiny hands in the air with the other babies on the video) and I can talk with Jesus and read His Word. We don't have the TV on much during the day but Mili is always begging for the Baby Praise. I do let her watch it but I would rather her listen to music and not sit in front of the TV so much. When I feel like she has watched too much TV, we compromise with turning on the CD she loves so much.

We had two or three more heavy downpours today. In the middle of the night last night some people in the next town over (Rockville) were evacuated from their homes because there was a leak in the damn close to their houses (about 100 homes). Other than that, we have seen little affect from all this water in our area, except that we are tired of being wet and ready to dry out a bit. Tomorrow is suppose to be less rain and then Friday is suppose to be sunny 83 degrees with NO RAIN.....YYYEEEEPPPPPEEE!!!! I think I may take Brian to work and then take Mili out somewhere. We have been couped up in the house for too many days.

Well I am tired and plan to rest a bit until we go to bed. Hope all is well with our friends and family. We think of ya'll often. Hugs and Kisses.

1 comment:

Kamrin said...

I'll be Fed Exing some "floaties" for ya'll just in case. Love to you all.