Saturday, June 24, 2006

Today has been a good day. We started out the day with some family time. Some of my favorite times are in the morning after Mili wakes up (many times before 6 am) and we bring her to bed with us (our rule is that it has to be light outside in order for her to get to come to the bed with us....we don't want her to wake up in the middle of the night or early morning and expect to be taken to our bed). She will sometimes fall back to sleep for another hour or so in our bed in the morning. When she wakes up she thinks it is her job to wake mommy and daddy up too. The other day Mili woke Brian up with a good tug on his eyelashes in order to open his eye. Our time in the bed is the best ever!!!!

After family time we got ready to go to a Cook Out at one of Brian's co-workers houses. I enjoyed getting to meet some of the people Brian works with and the food was great. The rule was to bring something native to your home country. There were some interesting foods there. We took good ole fashion cheesy potatoes (can anyone say fattening, fattening, fattening). We wanted to make sure it reflected our southern roots, smile.

While at the Cook Out, Mili enjoyed their dog and cat. She is not around animals much (only the squirrels that run back and forth across the sidewalks at the apartment building). We had to teach her she could not "pat" (hit) the dog and the cat really didn't come close enough to her (smart cat....but Mili did try to chase it down once or twice). These are times when I am thankful she is not walking yet. She is trying to let go and step but has not quite got it down.

We then went to buy Mili 's big girl car seat. She loves the seat and wants to sit in it in the house and as you can see by the pictures above she enjoyed the box as well.

I then went to pick up a few groceries. When I come home with all the bags, Mili wants to "help". She takes everything out of the bags and stacks it up and I put it away. We are a great team. I love to watch her concentrate on something and accomplish her task. Her face is priceless when she has a big pile of groceries beside her and the sacks are empty.

We are all tired and going to bed now. We love you all and miss you lots.

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