As I sit here in the bed (all covered up) with Mili Bear (Sadie in the floor in her swing), I am reminded of all the things I should be thankful for. I haven't felt very thankful with two sick children for almost a week now. I have had enough of the snotty nose thing for a while now. On top of the sickness in the house, Sadie had her two month shots yesterday. She was very fussy yesterday afternoon and evening (who wouldn't be after getting five shots in those chubby thighs). She didn't want me to touch her legs. It was quite sad. I hate immunizations but know they are protecting our children later.
Anyway, I was having a thankful heart and look at all that funk that crept into the post. As I sit here in the cool house (I love to cover up in a cool room, usually to my neck but that would be a little difficult while I am typing, the joys of laptops) I think fall is the time that all of the holidays start and I get excited. I can't wait for Christmas but first I must get one of the things I am thankful for out of her swing, she is screaming.
Okay, I may finish this post today, or tomorrow, or the next day at the rate this is going. I will have to stop and feed Mili soon. Anyway, people wonder why I have ADD. Well, I am not able to ever finish one thing without being interrupted at least once (lucky if it is only one time). YES....Sadie Beth has closed her eyes (see the ADD thing is just too much). Brian comes home from work and we are TRYING to have a conversation and of course interrupted by either or both children multiple times and I just give up until Mili goes to bed. Then we tend to be able to pick up where we left off. I guess we are getting good at having broken conversations. Part of me can't wait until they are old enough to teach them to wait and let mommy and daddy have a time of conversation with no interruptions. That would mean that they would have to grow up and I am having a hard enough time dealing with that already.
All of that being said, I do love being a mommy. I love taking care of Mili Bear and Sadie Beth all day. I waited a long time to be a stay-at-home mommy and I love that God has provided the funds for me to do so. We do not have a lot of extra money (okay NO extra money with rent at over $1200 a month and flying home twice a year at $800 each time) but we have each other and ALL our necessities. God has provided in EVERY way in our lives.
Forgive my ADDness (don't think that is a word) as I jump around all over the place with my thoughts. Brian is such a wonderful blessing. He knows when he walks in the door what kind of day I have had. Yesterday was one of those days (I know everyone has them but sometimes I would rather someone else take mine). When he came in he knew I needed to go pick up Sadie's prescription (another story I will mention later) and he immediately started asking, "who needs to eat and when?" He always tells me to stay gone as long as I need (knowing that I have been out of the house very little since last Wednesday when the girls came down with this crud). I also get a break most days at lunch. I make my lunch and take it into the office and work and eat in peace for an hour or so. I enjoy getting the work done (and enjoy being able to make some money for the family) and the down time away from the girls. Saturday I was able to go shopping a good part of the day. It was shopping that needed to be done but it was a delight to be out by myself. I did, however, feel as if I was always leaving something or someone behind. I am not used to going anywhere without at least one of the girls.
Okay, now about Sadie Beth. The doctor thinks that she has some reflux so she is on Zantac three times a day to see if that clears out the stuff in her throat. We can't lay her down flat because she chocks on phlegm (nice thought, huh). The doctor seems to think that she is spitting up and it is going into her nose instead of spitting it out. I have seen her do something like that before but didn't know that it would case the congested sound in the back of her throat. We also changed formula again. Hopefully in a week or so we will have a normal baby (oh, sorry we don't tend to have normal babies).
I say all this to say.........
I am thankful for our least it is not being threatened by a fire.
I am thankful for our "not" normal least they are not terminally ill.
I am thankful for my least he doesn't work so many hours that he doesn't know his family.
I am thankful for our one least we don't have to ride the bus.
I am thankful for our jobs.....there are many that would love to have one.
I am thankful for our warm beds......there are over 12,000 homeless people in our area.
I am thankful for our extended family........many are lonely with no one to lean on.
God provides ALWAYS! Thank U GOD....I Love You!