We had a surprise 40th Anniversary party for my parents last weekend. Mili and I flew in as a surprise present. It was a great day!!! Mom and Dad thought they were going out to eat with my in-laws at a fancy restaurant (hence the nice clothing) and they (my in-laws) lied about forgetting something and brought them back to the house/church for the surprise. We (Brian,Me,Mili, and Sadie) "sent" (I brought with me to Arkansas) a video to tell them we were sorry we couldn't be there for such a special day but sent something that was quite expensive (my plane ticket). Mili and I then walked in.
My parents were SO surprised. The look on their faces were priceless and something I will never forget. This will probably go down in history for our family as the biggest surprise yet. My mom did mention that she was quite frightened by the ability her family has to keep that many secrets from her for several months. We had a great night and as you can see in the pictures my dad gave my mom a new wedding band (hers needs to be repaired and she has always wanted a simple band to wear with them anyway). Everything went perfect, good food, beautiful and tasty cake, a picture slide show, and lots of tears and laughs. I don't think my parents will ever forget that day.
In the picture of my sisters (Erin (youngest) me, Aimee (oldest) and Krystal (Erin's best friend and part of our family for many years)
The last picture is of the grand kids acting crazy. It is hard to get them all in one picture together so we had to stop trying after about 10 pictures (this is the best one, believe it or not).
I love Isabella's face in that last picture. So funny! We're sorry we couldn't make it to the other family get-together. I was sick that day and stayed home from work. We've both had sinus infections the past week. Sorry we missed you two! Glad you had a safe trip and that your parents were very surprised!
Awww that's so great! Congratulations to your mom and dad!
hey we did have a good time didn't we. we sure enjoyed your visit and wish it was longer. maybe next time. we sure got your parents didn't we. I know brian was glad when ya'll got home. tell Mili we Love her so much. Love ya Dad
Sorry we missed y'all. I love the pictures. I know your parents were so surprised. What a special way to honor them.
We had a great time at the beach.
Looking forward to seeing Sadie Elizabeth.
Remember Melanie's cousin Kappi?...
She had a 9lb 6 oz boy on Monday.
Love y'all,Aunt Peggy
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