Saturday, we had a blast at the park. This is Mili's first time this year and she loved (most) of it. She was not too sure about the slide at first but is doing better with it now. She also wanted no part of the swings (crazy girl....that is mommy's favorite). She insisted on going back to the boat (pic with her and a steering wheel). We had a great time as a family and wished that we would have brought a picnic along because the weather was so fantastic. Upon leaving the park we had a normal two year old fit. Gotta know they are going to happen.
I am hoping that we will go back to the zoo again soon since Mili is aware of animals and their sounds. I also want to take her to the aquarium in Baltimore. She could stare at the aquarium at our friend's house for hours.
Hope you enjoy the pics of Mili and her fun day. We are looking forward to more days like this before I get too big.
The last picture is of a dress that Brian's mom made for Mili. She is so cute in it.
Hugs and Kisses to ALL!
Love the pink capris and the pretty blue dress. Too cute!
So this is the dress I heard about. Good job Ms. Mary! Mili looks great. Does she know she's gonna be a big sis? Your going to have a helper on your hands I'm sure. Have a great week. Love Dawn :)
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