Wednesday, November 22, 2006

The Parents Have Arrived

I apologize for the time span between entries but we were getting ready for Brian's parents to come for a much needed visit. We are so glad they are here and Mili is ecstatic to be with them. She didn't understand why they were not on the TV (video phone). After she warmed up, she has been running them to death. She is starting to show-off like I know she can and the grandparents are saying that she is no different than her cousins with all the drama.

I will go for now but just wanted you all to know that we are alive and well and really WELL since we have family here for Thanksgiving.

HAPPY THANKSGIVING!!!! (Miss you this year Dani Lee)

Everyone has something to be thankful for.

I am thankful for all our friends and family who are reading this. Hugs and Kisses.

1 comment:

Kamrin said...

Happy Thanksgiving!