Wednesday, October 08, 2008

We Are Still Alive!!!

Sorry....I have been a little behind.......

I know it has been forever since I have blogged. I have had several comments from my friends (especially in other states) that they want to know what is going on in our household.

Well, Brian is enjoying his job but we are not seeing a whole heck of a lot of him around here. He is working late two nights a week (arrives at the girls bedtime) and the other nights he gets home in time to eat and play with the kids an hour or so before their bedtime. We are adjusting to the new schedule here, however, I want my east coast time zone back. I liked it much better.

The girls are going to Mother's Day Out two days a week for about 5 hours each day. I am working during that time and it is definitely keeping me on my toes. It feels as if it takes me all day to get their bags and stuff ready for them to go to school the next day. I don't know how I will handle it when they are in school EVERY day. It makes me tired just thinking about it. I am sure I will get into some kind of routine soon. We are pajama wearing people around my house most of the time so it is a big change for me and them. Mili LOVES school. She wants to go every day but Mommy won't let her nor does Mommy have the money to send her every day (it is bad enough two days a week...the cost, I mean.....I enjoy the break).

We love our apartment. It is much newer and EVERYTHING works in the apartment on the first try. No more drying clothes three or four times and No more running the dish washer two times. The air conditioner has not stopped working one time since we have been here....what a relief. Mili and Sadie LOVE the room they have to run and play inside. We will be buying a house within the next year or two.

We are still a one car family but hope to change that soon. Right now we are having a hard time finding the time to look for a car. Please pray that we buy the car that God wants us to have. If we don't get one soon I am going to pull my hair out. If you would like to see a bald Alice then pray we don't find a car soon.

I appreciate all the comments and encouraging words from my blogger friends out there. We are doing fine and finally getting into some sort of normalcy around here. Please pray for the girls they have had many colds since we have moved back. Not sure if it is colds or Arkansas weather and allergies.

We love you all and I promise it won't be so long before I blog again.
I forgot to mention that Sadie is walking all over the place and is now 13 months old ( I will post her birthday pictures soon).


LeLe said...

Yea! I have missed your updates. I can't believe how much Sadie's hair has grown. Good luck on the car. I can't imagine how tough it is to only have one with two kids and not a very good public transit system.

Shana said...

Yippee! You had a chance to update what's going on in your world. I'm glad to hear things are settling into a pattern of "normal" for you and hope it all becomes second nature soon. Sorry Brian has to go through such a big change in schedule, though. Love you guys and am amazed at how big the girls are!!! *hug*

Julie said...

So glad to hear from you!! thank you for the update and posting pictures...miss you!!

Anonymous said...

It's so good to hear from you! I'm glad everything is going well with you guys down there. We definitely miss you guys up here. Life Group definitely isn't the same without you :( Love you guys! Tell Brian and the kiddies I said hi!

Anonymous said...

Its good to have you back Alice. Praying everything gets settled down and worked out. I can't believe how the girls have grown!
The one car system would drive any sane person crazy, but God will provide when its time.
Can't wait to see more pictures of those little sweeties!