Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Cousins in Pajamas

Monday morning, my sister Aimee came over and watched my children so I could go to work for a short time. While she was here with three of her children (five altogether), this is what I saw. Aren't they sweet together. Sadie and Nate are almost five months apart. I hope they grow up loving each other like they do now (or is this a tackle gone bad...not sure). Sadie could care less as long as she can text her friends in MD. Shooting a text to ya Andrew, Malachi, Noa, and Kierney.

Love you All....Hope your day is GREAT!!!

Morning at the Park

A couple of weeks ago we had a morning at the park. Here are a few shots from that fun day. This was the day we also planned to take the girls to the Pumpkin Patch but didn't know that it was closed.....oops.

Mili LOVES anything that has a steering wheel. We are very nervous for 16 years old with her. We are hoping that the age for getting a driver's license will go up before that date.
Sadie enjoyed the playground and all it had to offer. She explored from one end to the other and Mommy was tired after chasing her over every square inch of it.

Mili loved these pipes. They made for great fun with a great amount of noise.....or music!

Mili played on one side and Sadie on the other. "Music" to our ears!!!
This day just happened to be a perfect day to be outside. As you can tell I am still behind on getting things posted but hope to do better.
Love to ALL......Miss our MD friends!!!

Monday, October 20, 2008


I just put down the book "Red Letters- Living a faith that bleeds", by Tom Davis. It has taken me a very long time to read this book but considering all of the interruptions of moving across country, starting a part time job and taking care of a 3 and 1 year old the other days of the week. The important thing here is that I FINISHED it and it has CHANGED my life forever (and hopefully the future of many orphaned children as well).

For those of you who have yet to read the book. You MUST!!! (you can purchase Red Letters at Tom Davis' blog). It is an easy read on the eyes but very tough on the heart. As I was engrossed in this great book all I could see were the children roaming the streets in Honduras. Most of the children I saw there HAD families and at least ONE meal during that day but I now realize there are many more all over this world that don't even have THAT. I am trying to wrap my mind around it (I think my heart is already there.....for most of you that know me that is not surprising). My heart usually does "arrive" in every situation first. I am working now on what my mind needs to help my heart do with the information I now have from this book (and the Bible....this is a Bible based book with many scriptures). I am currently working on a "project" that could change how much money we could give to Children's HopeChest and to other organizations such as clean water, heifer project and many many more.

Blogger Friends PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE pray for this "project". That EVERYTHING will fall into place the way it needs to so I can get started on it! More to come on that after more things are in play!!!!

I want to BLEED..... with my finances, with my family, with my time, and with everything I do. Sacrifice is the key word here, my friends. I have started thinking about each purchase I make and thinking "how many people could have clean water if I don't buy this and donate the money instead". Another question that crosses my mind often is "how many people could have medication that would keep them alive if I don't buy this and donate the money instead". I realize that we can go too far thinking this way and I tend to be an ALL or NOTHING kind of girl so the balance will be hard for me but it is worth a shot to help those that don't have all the luxuries we have EVERYDAY. What am I talking about....LUXURIES???....NO, lets just say FOOD, WATER, get the picture!!!

Please join with me in this fight with myself....because really it comes down to selfish, human nature and we give in most of the time because we have the money and it is easy, but we could save a life if we just think about what we are doing and change our spending habits a bit.

I LOVE all of my blogger friends out there. Please don't forget to shoot up a prayer for me this week as I struggle with the balance of everything I have taken in and the "project" that could change many lives.

Love to ALL!!! More to come on this......

Friday, October 17, 2008

I Smell FOOTBALL in the Air!!!!

Oh how I forgot how GOOD it feels to be sitting on hard, cold bleachers with the smell of the crisp, fall air at a football game. I absolutely LOVE it. For those of you who don't know me or don't know about my past, I spent every Thursday night during Junior High school and every Friday night during High School in the football stands in many different towns through the five years Brian played football. It was like a second home for me.

Tonight was Mili and Sadie's first Friday night football game. My niece, Victoria, is on the dance team at her school (I will not mention her school name for safety reasons.....I believe in keeping our children safe from predators online). Anyway, she was so beautiful and did a FABULOUS, FANTASTIC, FANTABULOUS job tonight. We were SO happy to finally see her show off her dance moves (by the way the other girls did GREAT too but we are a LITTLE partial to our Victoria).

Here are some pictures from tonight!
Isn't she just BEE-A-UTIFUL!!!! Mili getting her hugs I promised she would get from Victoria. Thanks for coming into the stands to see us Victoria.....Mili would have been heart broken if we had to leave without a hug.
Looking at me because I kept yelling at her like an idiot!!! I am known to have a loud microphone needed here.
In ACTION during the game. She is the one on the very end to the far right.
Halftime show.....It was WONDERFUL!!! Great Job, Victoria!!!
Sadie spent most of her time fighting over Uncle Jon or Aunt Aimee's laps with Nater!
You see she won out in most cases or at least got to share the lap.
Our little cheerleaders in the stands. Isabella and Mili were copying the cheerleaders moves.
As the night went on it got colder and colder and Mili was COLD by the time we left. Her and Isabella decided to hog the blanket.
We had a GREAT night!!! I LOVE LOVE LOVE you Victoria. You did a GREAT job tonight!!!!!

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Round-Up Day at School

Today was Round-Up Day at Mili's school. She enjoyed dressing up in her cowgirl clothes and just HAD to wear the hat (and the pink bow as well). She made a horse out of a wrapping paper tube and "tried" some beans and bread. Mili doesn't try anything new to eat...she has to be forced to do it at home.

Take a look at this cute little cowgirl. During her photo shoot she said....."cheese, cheeseburger, and celery (never heard of this one but it worked....maybe you should try that one Chelle). She must have gotten that from when she had her school pictures taken by Jeremy (she came home and said "at picture day, Jeremy took my picture...yea, his name was Jeremy). Such detail!

Love to ALL!!!

Monday, October 13, 2008

Sadie's 1st Birthday

Sadie turned 1 year old a month and a half ago. I am still a little behind on my blogging if you can't tell. So here are a few shots from her party. The party was a combined party with her cousin Isabella who was turning 4 years old. We had it in the church fellowship hall. That is why you see Sadie sitting in an antique high chair....haha.

Hope you enjoy the pictures of our 1 year old princess!!!

This one was a keeper......a LOUD keeper!!!

Sadie LOVES books and asks to read them all the time (she signs book very well).

Our little rock star with her new guitar.....She will be playing with Daddy in no time.

Calling all of her friends in MD already. Good thing there were not long distance charges involved in these calls......we have an unlimited plan!!!

Sadie's baby cake for smearing.

Her first very petite bite!

Finger lickin' GOOD!

This is much better with ALL of my fingers!

How do you like my new lip stick.....I think I will call this color "cotton candy" can pick it up at any bakery near has a great taste too.

Love to ALL and hope you guys have a fabulous week!!!!

Thursday, October 09, 2008

A Little Creativity and A Moving Box

The other day Mili asked me if we could make a rocket. I said, "No, Mommy doesn't know how to make a rocket, sweetie!" That answer was not good enough for my little strong willed child so she went and started looking for boxes. She came out of her room with a tiny box and started trying to make a rocket (that she was suppose to fit in). I felt sorry for her and went to the storage room and got a big box and started cutting away. We worked on that thing for an hour or so, decorating and all. She has spent hours playing in her rocket.

Enjoy the pictures of her in her creation.

A Frisbee serving as a steering wheel!

The bottom of a drum makes a great Astronaut helmet.

A working door, with door handle.

Proud of her creation and it had to have a flag.


I LOVE being Mili's Mommy. It makes my heart happy to have moments like these with her. Hoping for many more creative moments in the future with my sweeties.
Love to ALL and Miss YOU GUYS in MD!!!!

Wednesday, October 08, 2008

We Are Still Alive!!!

Sorry....I have been a little behind.......

I know it has been forever since I have blogged. I have had several comments from my friends (especially in other states) that they want to know what is going on in our household.

Well, Brian is enjoying his job but we are not seeing a whole heck of a lot of him around here. He is working late two nights a week (arrives at the girls bedtime) and the other nights he gets home in time to eat and play with the kids an hour or so before their bedtime. We are adjusting to the new schedule here, however, I want my east coast time zone back. I liked it much better.

The girls are going to Mother's Day Out two days a week for about 5 hours each day. I am working during that time and it is definitely keeping me on my toes. It feels as if it takes me all day to get their bags and stuff ready for them to go to school the next day. I don't know how I will handle it when they are in school EVERY day. It makes me tired just thinking about it. I am sure I will get into some kind of routine soon. We are pajama wearing people around my house most of the time so it is a big change for me and them. Mili LOVES school. She wants to go every day but Mommy won't let her nor does Mommy have the money to send her every day (it is bad enough two days a week...the cost, I mean.....I enjoy the break).

We love our apartment. It is much newer and EVERYTHING works in the apartment on the first try. No more drying clothes three or four times and No more running the dish washer two times. The air conditioner has not stopped working one time since we have been here....what a relief. Mili and Sadie LOVE the room they have to run and play inside. We will be buying a house within the next year or two.

We are still a one car family but hope to change that soon. Right now we are having a hard time finding the time to look for a car. Please pray that we buy the car that God wants us to have. If we don't get one soon I am going to pull my hair out. If you would like to see a bald Alice then pray we don't find a car soon.

I appreciate all the comments and encouraging words from my blogger friends out there. We are doing fine and finally getting into some sort of normalcy around here. Please pray for the girls they have had many colds since we have moved back. Not sure if it is colds or Arkansas weather and allergies.

We love you all and I promise it won't be so long before I blog again.
I forgot to mention that Sadie is walking all over the place and is now 13 months old ( I will post her birthday pictures soon).