Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Another Someone Growing Horns

Let me first say that I posted Mili with her first ponytails here. It is a big deal in our household when you have enough hair for piggy tails. If you look back in the archives of Mili on this blog you will see that she was much more compliant to having her picture taken. She usually listened to me and did what I asked of her for photo shoots.

Sadie on the other hand is a totally different story. She is all over the place (which is why I don't have as many pictures of her....and she IS the second child....I know how that feels.....more photos of the first child syndrome). I don't seem to have the energy to chase her around more than a half hour in order to get a good or decent picture of her. The kind that is not blurred from her taking off in a mad sprint toward me or away from me.

With all this being said, I love her feisty spirit and her "all or nothing" attitude (don't know where she got either one of those traits).

Hope you enjoy the first pigtails AKA HORNS!

This is always my cue to stop taking pictures. There is no way I will get a good picture after this happens.

Hope you all have a day filled with FUN!!!

Monday, January 12, 2009

Back on Track

Well the New Year is here in full swing. I have been a tad bit lazy with my blog updates lately. I apologize to my avid blog readers. I will try to do better with this during the new year.

We had a GREAT Christmas and New Years in our home. We spent lots of quality time with Daddy and LOVED having him home more (I say "more" because he still went to work during the break it was just less time and a few full days off). We enjoyed our family time during the holidays. Most of all we enjoyed not being in an airport during Christmas/ New Year's. For the last three years we have spent enough time in airports for a lifetime.

This Christmas season we felt less hurried and more peace. We also were able to come back home to our own beds after the festivities, which is way better than living out of bags for two weeks.

I always hate to see the Christmas season come to an end but I am very happy to be back on a schedule with the girls. They and I are much happier that way, in turn giving us a happy home!

I will post some pictures soon. Hope all of your holidays were filled with JOY!!!
Love to ALL....missed our Greenridge family during the holidays!!!